Welcome to JS ENT Hospital, Salem.

J.S. ENT Hospital was commissioned in 1960 by Dr.J.Sugavanam, the first U.K qualified ENT surgeon in Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. He was well recognized as an ENT surgeon and highly respected for his contribution in the field of otorhinolaryngology. He was the first to introduce the operating microscope for ear surgery in Salem. Following in his footsteps, his son Dr.S.Jayaramachandran after graduating from Stanley Medical College, Chennai, left for the U.K in 1984 to obtain higher surgical training in ENT surgery.
Our Featured Services
- Best Patient Care
- Quality Imported Equipments
- Competent Friendly Staff
- Medical Insurance Benefits
- Master Health Checkups
- OPD Health Services
- Integrated Lab
- Pharmacy & Canteen
- Adequate Vehicle Park
+91 427 2315707, +91 427 2310146