Parotid Surgery
- What is the parotid and what causes parotid lumps?
- The parotid is a gland that makes saliva. There are 2 glands, one on each side, and in front of your ears. Lumps occur in the parotid due to abnormal overgrowth of some part of the salivary gland. The vast majority (80%) of these tumors are benign, which means that they are not cancerous and do not spread to other parts of the body. Rarely, malignant (cancerous) tumors can also affect the parotid. Your specialist will probably collect a needle sample from the lump in order to try and find out what sort of tumor you have.
- Why remove the lump?
- Although most lumps are benign, it is better to remove them since they generally continue to grow and can become unsightly. Also, after many years, the lump can become malignant (cancerous). Also the bigger the lump the more difficult it is to remove. Lastly, there is always some concern regarding the exact cause of the lump until it has been removed.
- What is a parotidectomy?
- A parotidectomy is the surgical removal of part or all of the parotid gland. The operation is usually performed under general anesthetic. An incision will be made which runs from in front of the ear and down to the neck. This incision usually heals very well. In fact it is nearly the same incision used in ‘face lift’ surgery and, in time, the scar is likely to be minimal. At the end of the operation the surgeon will place a drain (plastic tube) through the skin in order to prevent any blood clot collecting under the skin. Most patients need to stay 24- 48 hours in hospital.
- What complications can occur?
- The important complication is facial weakness. There is a very important nerve which passes right through the parotid gland (the facial nerve). This makes the muscles of the face move and if it is damaged during surgery it can lead to a weakness of the face (facial palsy). In most cases the nerve works normally after surgery. Occasionally, where the tumor has been very close to the nerve, a temporary weakness of the face can occur. This can last for a few weeks.
- How long will be off work?
- You will need one week off work