- Why do I need this operation?
- The operation is carried out to relieve deafness due to fixation of the stapes, the innermost of the three little bones, which conduct sound from the eardrum to the sense organ of hearing. There is a chance that any associated noises in the ears (tinnitus) will be relieved as well.
- What happens during the operation?
- This is carried out under local anesthetic. During the operation the eardrum is reflected forward and the diseased bone removed. This is replaced by a small piston, which is attached to the middle of the three bones (the incus).
- How will feel after the operation?
- You will notice that a dressing has been placed in the ear, which will be removed in the clinic. You may notice an echoic feeling in the ear, which may persist for some weeks. Initially your hearing will vary, and indeed may be worse, but there should be steady improvement in the next few weeks. For the first few days you may also notice some noises in the ears as if there is liquid moving around. Your balance may be affected and you may be unsteady and nauseous for a few days, especially if you move your head quickly, but this too will get better.
- What choices do I have?
- If you decided against the operation but would like the hearing to be improved, then it is likely that a hearing aid will help. You may feel that this option is not acceptable, and prefer to do nothing.
- What if I decide against the operation?
- Your hearing is likely to slowly deteriorate, faster than it would do with age. This will probably occur in both ears.
- How long do I need to stay in the Hospital?
- This is usually for one night after your operation.
- Do I need time off work ?
- We advise one week off work after surgery. You should not fly for 4 weeks after surgery.