
  • What are tonsils and do I need them?
  • Tonsils are glands in the throat. There is one tonsil on each side of the throat. They are there to fight germs but your body can still fight infections without them. We only take them out if they are doing more harm than good.
  • Why do I need this operation?
  • Tonsillectomy is recommended if you are suffering from:
    • Recurrent attacks of tonsillitis despite treatment with antibiotics.
    • If the tonsils are so large that they interfere with your breathing and cause snoring or obstruction.
    • If you have had Quinsy, ( an abscess that develops alongside the tonsils, as a result of tonsil infection.) on more than one occasion.
    • If you have had Quinsy, ( an abscess that develops alongside the tonsils, as a result of tonsil infection.) on more than one occasion.
    • A rapid increase in the size of one tonsil.
    • Ulceration or bleeding from the tonsi
  • Before the operation ?
  • Let us know if you have a chest infection or severe tonsillitis before your admission date because it may be better to postpone the operation.
  • How is the operation done?
  • You will be asleep under general anesthetic. We take the tonsils out through the mouth and this takes about 30 minutes.
  • How long will be in hospital ?
  • The surgeon may prefer you to stay in hospital for one night. Tonsillectomy can be done as a day case if your home is close to the hospital. Either way, we will only let you go home if there is no bleeding and when you are eating and drinking and feel well enough.
  • After your operation ?
  • Arrange for one week of work. You will need to rest at home away from crowds and smoky places.
    Keep away from people with coughs and colds.
    You will feel tired for the first few days
    Your throat will be sore for approximately one week.
    It is beneficial to take painkillers such as paracetamol regularly, half an hour before meals for at least the first week.
  • Eat normal food
  • Eating food will help your throat to heal. It will help the pain too. Drink plenty and stick to bland, non-spicy food.
    Chewing gum may also help the pain.
    You may have sore ears
    This is normal. It happens because your throat and ears have the same nerves. It does not mean that you have an ear infection.
    Your throat will look white
    This is normal while your throat heals. You may also see some threads in your throat -they are used to help stop the bleeding during the operation and they will fallout by themselves. Some people get a throat infection after surgery, usually if they have not been eating properly. If this happens you may notice a fever and a bad smell from your throat.