
  • Why do I need this Operation?
  • Your nasal blockage is due to intermittent swelling of the lining of the side wall of your nose when exposed to allergy. The surgery aims at reducing the tissue in the side wall of the nose so that even if you are exposed to the allergen the tissue does not swell up and cause blocage.
  • What happens during the operation?
  • Whilst you are asleep under a general anesthetic the obstructing tissue on the side wall of the nose is removed or cauterized to reduce the bulk. If there is any bleeding when this is done nose may need to be packed with a dressing.
  • How will feel after the operation?
  • You will feel drowsy until the anesthetic has worn off. You will have to breathe through your mouth which will give you a dry throat. You may have a headache for a day or two.
    Any nasal packs are removed after three hours in our hospital. There may be some bleeding but this usually stops within a few minutes, rarely, the nose needs repacking to stop this. Your symptoms will not get better overnight. You may have a blocked for a week until the wound heals completely.
  • How long will I stay in hospital?
  • Your operation may be done as a day case (you will go home on the same day as your operation) or you will stay in hospital for one night after the operation. Your surgeon will discuss this with you.
  • Is there anything I should do after the operation?
  • For one week after your operation you should rest, avoid strenuous activities and avoid contact with people with coughs and colds.
    You may be given some nasal spray or drops to use. If so, before you go home the doctors or nurses on the ward will let you know how long you should use these.
  • How long should I remain off work?
  • We advise taking one week off work following surgery.